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Stripe is a developer-focused set of APIs for handling online payments, subscriptions, and other transactions. Learn how to use Stripe in your web projects from expert developers in these episodes.

Contentful, GraphQL, & Paid Content

Learn how to combine Contentful’s powerful GraphQL API with Stripe to create paid content for your Jamstack app with Stefan Judis!

Subscription Management in Jamstack Apps

Subscriptions power most web-based businesses. In this episode, Thor 雷神 teaches us how to let customers purchase & manage subscriptions with Stripe in Jamstack apps.

Add Apple Pay & Google Pay to Jamstack Sites

Adding Apple Pay and Google Pay for website purchases is a HUGE convenience boost. In this episode, Thor 雷神 teaches us how Stripe makes mobile payments fast to add!

Accept Donations on Jamstack Sites

Thor 雷神 & Nick DeJesus teach us how to accept donations on our Jamstack sites using Stripe, whether we’re building an app for a non-profit or adding a “buy me a coffee” button to a blog.

Sell Products on the Jamstack

How does ecommerce work on the Jamstack? In this episode, Thor 雷神 ( teaches us how to use Gatsby, Netlify Functions, and Stripe to start selling products on your website in minutes!

Sell Products on Your Jamstack Site

For independent creators, finding ways to charge for creations helps keep the dream alive. In this episode, Chris Biscardi ( and Jason will add Stripe payments to the Party Corgi website.

Add Subscription Support to Websites Using Stripe

From software licenses to monthly boxes to recurring donations, adding subscriptions is a common need for web developers. In this episode, Nick DeJesus ( teaches us how to set up subscriptions using Stripe and add recurring payment buttons to your website.

Build an eCommerce Site Using Stripe + Gatsby

In this video, Thor 雷神 teaches Jason how to build an e-commerce store using the new Stripe Checkout.