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State Management

State management is a challenging aspect of building for the modern web. Learn how to set up state management in your own web apps from expert developers in these episodes.

Adding state to serverless applications

Serverless has always come with a trade-off: apps that use it are stateless by design. But Sunil Pai has a way to make serverless stateful, and he's going to show us how it works.

Shared State Between Multiple Frameworks

How can you share state between React.JS, Svelte.JS, Solid.JS, Vue.JS, and more? TanStack Query maintainer Aryan Deora will show us how he does it with Query + Astro.

TanStack Query v4

State management is hard. TanStack Query aims to take the pain out of data fetching, caching, parallelization, and much more. Maintainer Dominik Dorfmeister will teach us all about it.

Use XState With Netlify Edge Functions

State machines at the edge? Yes please! David Khourshid is back to show us how to deploy and visualize workflows in real-time!

Reactive State Management Using NgRx and Angular

How do you handle local and global state in Angular projects? Brandon Roberts will show us how using NGRX

Let’s Learn Modern Redux!

A lot has changed in Redux since it was originally created. In this episode, Mark Erikson will teach us about Redux Toolkit an React-Redux hooks.