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Software Architecture

How do we build great software for the web? Watch these episodes to learn web architecture from some of the brightest minds in web development.

Adding state to serverless applications

Serverless has always come with a trade-off: apps that use it are stateless by design. But Sunil Pai has a way to make serverless stateful, and he's going to show us how it works.

Fixing async/await in JavaScript and TypeScript

If you've ever hit issues with async/await, structured concurrency might have some solutions for you. Charles Lowell will teach us what the heck it is and how it can improve or software architecture.

Astro’s biggest release yet

Astro’s got big news, and Fred K. Schott is teaching us what it means for web dev using Astro.

React Suspense in GraphQL with Apollo Client

Learn how to combine the latest in GraphQL and React Suspense to build apps that feel great to build AND to use. Lenz Weber-Tronic will teach us how it works.

Run Go, Rust, and more in JavaScript using WASM + Extism

We can build cross-language applications that can use Go, Rust, Node, PHP, .Net, Ruby, and many other languages through the power of WebAssembly. Steve Manuel will teach us how we can do it quickly using Extism.

Make React faster with Million

Can you get better performance than React offers without switching frameworks? Million says you can, and Chance Strickland will show us how it works.

Defer and other reasons to try Angular again

There’s a whole lot happening in Angular lately. Jessica Janiuk and the rest of the core team have been working hard to add new capabilities & improved APIs. Learn what’s new & why it’s worth a look.

What's new in Redux Toolkit 2.0?

There's a right way to write Redux in 2024. Core maintainer Mark Erikson will teach us what the recommended modern approach is, what's new in RTK 2.0, & the long road toward shipping 5 major OSS libraries simultaneously.

Can you actually own your identity and content on the web?

How do you prove you're you on the internet? How do you make sure a startup shutting down doesn't take all your data with it? Rizél Scarlett will show us how we can take back control.

Let’s Learn HTMX!

There’s been a lot of buzz about HTMX. I have no idea what it is. Jack Herrington joined us LIVE IN STUDIO to separate the facts from the memes.

Going Deep on Svelte 5

Svelte’s Runes made a lot of headlines when they were announced. In this episode, creator Rich Harris will teach us about Runes and a whole lot more of what’s new and exciting in Svelte 5.

What Sucks About Building APIs (& How To Make It Better)

Generating API keys, rate limits, analytics, free trials, and more — the business side of APIs is complex. James Perkins will teach us how he’s trying to solve that with unkey.

Demystifying CSS Container Queries

CSS Container Queries promise even more powerful styling approaches, but… what the heck are they? How do they actually work? Miriam will teach us.

Unify Data Sources with GraphQL

Create a unified GraphQL API using an existing non-GraphQL API, MongoDB, and extend a remote data source with TypeScript. Plus caching and edge deployment! Jamie Barton from Grafbase will teach us how.

What’s new in HTML and CSS in 2023?

The capabilities of HTML and CSS are always improving, and recently the pace has accelerated. Una Kravets will show us all the powerful new browser APIs we might have missed.

Does Astro make heavy JS frameworks obsolete?

Built-in View Transitions and a whole lot more. Astro is betting on the browser over JavaScript. Fred K. Schott returns to teach us.

Build multiplayer SaaS apps with Liveblocks

Add a Figma-like multiplayer editor experience, share & invite dialogs, a document browser, and more using Liveblocks. Steven Fabre will teach us how.

Build a custom code editor using the WebContainer API

It's mind-boggling what you can accomplish in the browser these days. Gabriel Daltoso joins to teach us how to build a simple code editor using the WebContainer API with StackBlitz.

Redux in 2023: What you need to know

Redux is still wildly popular. Mark Erikson is back to make sure we get the most from modern Redux. Learn common misconceptions, gotchas, best practices + patterns you might not need anymore direct from the maintainers!

Why Svelte is the most loved JS framework

Creator Rich Harris is back to teach us what's possible with Svelte and SvelteKit in 2023.