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React is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks in use today. Learn how to build React apps from expert web developers in these episodes.

Auth and RBAC in multi-tenant React apps

One of the first challenges many web apps face is how to manage user authentication. Julianna Lamb will show us how to use Stytch and its pre-built UI components to add auth to a React + Express app quickly.

React Suspense in GraphQL with Apollo Client

Learn how to combine the latest in GraphQL and React Suspense to build apps that feel great to build AND to use. Lenz Weber-Tronic will teach us how it works.

Make React faster with Million

Can you get better performance than React offers without switching frameworks? Million says you can, and Chance Strickland will show us how it works.

What's new in Redux Toolkit 2.0?

There's a right way to write Redux in 2024. Core maintainer Mark Erikson will teach us what the recommended modern approach is, what's new in RTK 2.0, & the long road toward shipping 5 major OSS libraries simultaneously.

3D in React With Triplex, a Visual Editor for react-three-fiber

Triplex is a visual editor for react-three-fiber that uses code as the source of truth. Editing 3D components in React in a Figma-like UI?! Creator Michael Dougall will teach us how it works.

Shared State Between Multiple Frameworks

How can you share state between React.JS, Svelte.JS, Solid.JS, Vue.JS, and more? TanStack Query maintainer Aryan Deora will show us how he does it with Query + Astro.

Troubleshooting React Native apps with New Relic

Is your mobile app slow? Is it the network? OTA updates? Or something else? Use New Relic to know for sure. Observability Week kicks off with Ptah Dunbar teaching us how to get better insights into our react native mobile apps.

Port a Blog to Astro

For many devs, writing blogs with Markdown/MDX is still preferred. In this episode, Jason (a Markdown True Believer™) will be working on an in-progress port of the Learn With Jason blog to Astro.

Optimize React App Performance

Building dynamic React.js apps that avoid performance pitfalls can be challenging. Shaundai Person will show us how to optimize our components, hooks, and more.

How to Add Component Tests to Web Apps

What are component tests? How do they relate to e2e tests? Do they improve a11y? Ely Lucas will teach us all about them and how we can add component tests using Cypress to a React app.

React Router 6.4

The latest version of React Router introduces powerful new patterns including data loading, mutations, and pending/skeleton UIs. Ryan Florence will teach us what's new and how we can use it in our own apps.

Build and Deploy a React App from a Monorepo

Managing large, complex, and/or multi-team codebases can be simplified by using a monorepo approach. In this episode, Juri Strumpflohner will teach us how to use Nx to build and deploy React apps.

Build a Live Voting App

If you want to create an interactive app that allows people to vote, where should you start? Brandon Roberts will teach us how to build the whole dang thing using Appwrite.

Let's Learn tRPC!

The promise of tRPC is end-to-end typesafe APIs. In this episode, Alex / KATT will teach us what that means and how we can get started using tRPC in a React app.

Let’s Learn CommandBar!

Adding a ⌘+K shortcut to open a command palette in your app is a great way to give your users more control. CommandBar lets you add powerful search, nav, & custom actions quickly. James Evans will teach us how!

Let's Learn Remix!

Remix is a React-based framework focused on web fundamentals and modern UX. In this episode, Ryan Florence will teach us what makes it different and how to get started with it!

Functional React With Styled Components

Learn how to create clean, beautiful React UIs! Shaundai Person will teach us how to combine function-style React components with Styled Components.

Make Video With Code

Making slick, animated video using React might sound far-fetched, but Remotion makes it possible! Jonathan Burger will teach us how.

The Final Taco Showdown

Last time, Emma and Jason built a form and asked you to settle their Taco Bell debate. This time, they'll visualize the results and determine who has the best taste in tacos. 🌮

Let's Learn React!

React is everywhere: it’s used in single-person side projects and Fortune 50 apps. In this episode, Ali Spittel will introduce us to one of the leading JavaScript frameworks out there!