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Fauna is a serverless database that provides a GraphQL API for quickly accessing and writing data in your web apps. Learn how to set up and use Fauna from expert developers in these episodes.

Marketing Automation With + Next.js

Joel hooks has been building full-featured marketing automation using Nextjs & for some of the most popular dev education sites out there. In this episode, he'll share how it's done!

Build a Full-Stack Serverless App With Next.js & Fauna

Web devs have more power than ever to build ambitious full-stack apps. In this episode, Shadid Haque will teach us how to build a TikTok clone with Netlify Functions, Fauna, and Next.js!

Custom Discount Codes With Fauna, Tito, and Shopify

As part of Jamstack Conf, Jason is building a swag app with experts from around the community. This 5-part series will go through the whole process of building an e-commerce site with Shopify, Algolia, Sentry, Twilio, and Fauna.

User-defined Functions in Fauna

What if you could bring compute to your data? In this episode, Rob Sutter teaches us how to create user-defined functions in Fauna to implement custom business logic right in your database.

Build a Chatbot with GraphQL and Fauna

Fauna is a database that's friendly to start with for serverless apps. In this episode, Summer Schrader and Bruno Quaresma teach us how to use Fauna to power a Twitch chatbot.