Algolia provides tools for adding search to modern web apps. Learn how to implement your own autocomplete and site search using Algolia from expert web developers in these episodes.
Custom Command Bar Using Autocomplete With Algolia
As part of Jamstack Conf, Jason is building a swag app with experts from around the community. This 5-part series will go through the whole process of building an e-commerce site with Shopify, Algolia, Sentry, Twilio, and Fauna.
JavaScript Autocomplete
Building a great autocomplete experience can be a pain. In this episode, Sarah Dayan will teach us how to create a powerful JavaScript autocomplete solution using an open source library from Algolia.
Add Algolia Search for Your Gatsby Site
Adding custom search to your site doesn’t need to be hard! Bram Adams from the Algolia team will teach us how to implement a custom search on a Gatsby site.