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Browse all 381 episodes of Learn With Jason. Show your support and get notified of new episodes by subscribing on YouTube!

Building Web Demos + Q&A

In this casual solo session, join Jason while he works on code projects, banters with chat, and answers your questions (ask them at If you’ve got questions or want to help choose what Jason teaches next, don’t miss these sessions!

Auth and RBAC in multi-tenant React apps

One of the first challenges many web apps face is how to manage user authentication. Julianna Lamb will show us how to use Stytch and its pre-built UI components to add auth to a React + Express app quickly.

Adding state to serverless applications

Serverless has always come with a trade-off: apps that use it are stateless by design. But Sunil Pai has a way to make serverless stateful, and he's going to show us how it works.

Dev Mode and Custom Plugins in Figma

How can web developers and designers work together in Figma? Live from the Figma offices in San Francisco, Jake Albaugh will teach us how Dev Mode improves the design handoff, and how the Figma plugins API enables more powerful customization.

Val Town wants to make serverless JavaScript easier

HTTP handlers, cron jobs, email handlers — all the little things we need to set up as web apps get more complex. Steve Krouse will teach us how Val Town can help.

Fixing async/await in JavaScript and TypeScript

If you've ever hit issues with async/await, structured concurrency might have some solutions for you. Charles Lowell will teach us what the heck it is and how it can improve or software architecture.

Astro’s biggest release yet

Astro’s got big news, and Fred K. Schott is teaching us what it means for web dev using Astro.

React Suspense in GraphQL with Apollo Client

Learn how to combine the latest in GraphQL and React Suspense to build apps that feel great to build AND to use. Lenz Weber-Tronic will teach us how it works.

Run Go, Rust, and more in JavaScript using WASM + Extism

We can build cross-language applications that can use Go, Rust, Node, PHP, .Net, Ruby, and many other languages through the power of WebAssembly. Steve Manuel will teach us how we can do it quickly using Extism.

What is GenAI and can we do it with JavaScript?

If you're like me and you don't know what "GenAI" means, Adam Cowley will teach us how to use langchain.js and build our own custom apps.

Make React faster with Million

Can you get better performance than React offers without switching frameworks? Million says you can, and Chance Strickland will show us how it works.

Build Web APIs Using Python and FastAPI

Python works for the web. Learn how FastAPI allows developers to build web APIs quickly. Jay Miller teaches us how.

Learn With Jason Live, LIVE! The CSS-stravaganza!

Adam Argyle likes CSS. In this episode, he’s live in studio teaching us about everything from @property to @layer to scroll-snap and a whole lot more.

Qwik + Astro perf on perf on perf

Qwik introduced resumability in JavaScript apps. Astro introduced a “just in time” approach to building complex frontends. Together, are they unstoppable? Steve Sewell will teach us.

Defer and other reasons to try Angular again

There’s a whole lot happening in Angular lately. Jessica Janiuk and the rest of the core team have been working hard to add new capabilities & improved APIs. Learn what’s new & why it’s worth a look.

What's new in Redux Toolkit 2.0?

There's a right way to write Redux in 2024. Core maintainer Mark Erikson will teach us what the recommended modern approach is, what's new in RTK 2.0, & the long road toward shipping 5 major OSS libraries simultaneously.

Angular is so back

Devs are excited about Angular again. In this episode, Mark Techson from the core team will teach us how to build a web app using Angular v17.

How to use coding AI assistants effectively

What can an AI coding assistant do, and what’s the best way to add one to your workflow? Ado Kukic will guide us through the options using Cody.

Fun, festive, interactive web animation

Many of the websites we love most are fun and interactive. In this episode, Cassie Evans will teach us how to add a little festive whimsy to our web projects with Greensock.

Can you actually own your identity and content on the web?

How do you prove you're you on the internet? How do you make sure a startup shutting down doesn't take all your data with it? Rizél Scarlett will show us how we can take back control.